
Located at the base of Buckhorn Mountain at 6700' elevation, Buckhorn Gardens is a small, organic vegetable farm 13mi. south of Montrose, Colorado. Our farm is an active part of a 12,000 acre ranch; however, we only manage 3 acres with intensive vegetable gardening.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Although there isn't a whole lot to be done over the winter, we occupied ourselves by planting the dome full of delicious vegetables.The beds were cleaned out of overgrown and dying vegetation and manure from the cows outside, alfalfa pellets, coffee grounds, dried leaves, and moss that grows and floats upon the pools that regulate the heat in the...

Friday, January 2, 2009

Howdy all!Buckhorn Gardens is a small vegetable/herb farm located at the base of Buckhorn Mountain bordering Montrose, Colorado. The farm is part of a 12,000 acre cattle ranch, but we only manage about 3 acres of vegetables and herbs. We can't forget about the goats and chickens!This past season was our first attempt at a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture)...