
Located at the base of Buckhorn Mountain at 6700' elevation, Buckhorn Gardens is a small, organic vegetable farm 13mi. south of Montrose, Colorado. Our farm is an active part of a 12,000 acre ranch; however, we only manage 3 acres with intensive vegetable gardening.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Amigas y Amigos,  Come see us Saturday, November 26th at the Lark & Sparrow in Montrose from 11-2. Fall is finally here, albeit in bits and bobs, what better way to warm the old cockles! All you can eat chili plus you get to keep the handmade bowl of your choosing and support Partners Mentoring Youth! Come down and support the Buckhorn...

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

A Photographic Farewell To Our Four Farmers' Markets This Year  Montrose May  Telluride June  Mountain Village June June July August August August September September September October October October ...

Monday, April 25, 2016

Who: You and the Buckhorn Crew! What: Help us plant 13 varieties of potatoes (~8,000 plants) and eat our pet pig, Oreo, Hawaiin Luau Style When: Saturday, May 14th at 9am Where: Buckhorn Gardens What to Bring: Sunscreen, water, typical Spring weather Colorado clothing, gloves if you need them, hat, a dish for the potluck, friends and family, and...

Monday, March 28, 2016

Joe Greetings and Salutations, "You don't know about me without you having read a book by the name of The Adventures of Joe Tarr, but that ain't no matter." All literature should start with epic first lines; I stole one from Mark Twain! However, lets go backwards in my bio. Adventures is rightly capitalized there in the title of my yet un-written autobiography....

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Ever wonder where your food REALLY came from? Brings this quote to mind: "Once in your life you need a doctor, preacher, lawyer, and a policeman but three times a day you need a farmer." Buckhorn has been around since 2009 as a community farm using a Community Supported Agriculture system of delivering fresh, chemical free vegetables year round whether...

Sunday, January 10, 2016

A Closer Look at Buckhorn’s Braising Mix Here at Buckhorn, we are committed to giving all of our CSA members nutritionally dense foods all year round. During the winter, one of the most popular items we offer are a variety of salad green mixes. This week, I wanted to take a closer look at Buckhorn’s braising mix, which contains all or any combination...