
Located at the base of Buckhorn Mountain at 6700' elevation, Buckhorn Gardens is a small, organic vegetable farm 13mi. south of Montrose, Colorado. Our farm is an active part of a 12,000 acre ranch; however, we only manage 3 acres with intensive vegetable gardening.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Amigas y Amigos, 
Come see us Saturday, November 26th at the Lark & Sparrow in Montrose from 11-2. Fall is finally here, albeit in bits and bobs, what better way to warm the old cockles! All you can eat chili plus you get to keep the handmade bowl of your choosing and support Partners Mentoring Youth! Come down and support the Buckhorn chefs with their veggie chili and Elk/Pork combo. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

A Photographic Farewell To Our Four Farmers' Markets This Year

 Mountain Village

Monday, April 25, 2016

Who: You and the Buckhorn Crew!
What: Help us plant 13 varieties of potatoes (~8,000 plants) and eat our pet pig, Oreo, Hawaiin Luau Style
When: Saturday, May 14th at 9am
Where: Buckhorn Gardens
What to Bring: Sunscreen, water, typical Spring weather Colorado clothing, gloves if you need them, hat, a dish for the potluck, friends and family, and a tuperware dish to take home some pork 

Have you ever eaten a whole pig cooked in the ground, Imu (Hawaiin earth oven), Hawaiin Luau style? We would like to share the farm bounty with our community (pig and spring veggies), let you see where all the magic happens, meet other CSA members, plant potatoes like crazy, meet the farm animals (chickens, pigs, goats, a cat and a dog), and mingle with the Buckhorn crew you will be seeing at the farmers markets and who do all the hard work behind the scenes. Ryan from Yurtstead Farm/Roundhouse Meats has offered to man the pit for pork perfection. There will be tons of pork for your take-out boxes and we will have pork for sale from our processed pig as well! Also for sale are eggs, veggies (salad mix, spinach, kale, heads of lettuce), and tomato starts.

Now, the other half of the equation: we have a new field to plant in that is ready for all the rainbow varieties of potatoes we have for your baskets this season. Many hands make light work in organic farming and we would love to see all of you at the farm, our office, with its, quite nice mountain views!

Please RSVP gardens@buckhornmountain.com

Monday, March 28, 2016


Greetings and Salutations,
"You don't know about me without you having read a book by the name of The Adventures of Joe Tarr, but that ain't no matter." All literature should start with epic first lines; I stole one from Mark Twain! However, lets go backwards in my bio.

Adventures is rightly capitalized there in the title of my yet un-written autobiography.  Currently I find myself at a latitude of 38.5 and 107.6 longitude in lovely Colona producing some lovely veggies on the Western Slope in the garden bustle that is spring!

I landed an internship here in January of 2015 and took over for Horton in June. I had previously been cutting my agriculture teeth in Northern California near Chico farming market vegetables and wanted to farm in winter, a rather un-farmer like venture in most climes. I took the farming plunge because I wanted to learn the simple ubiquitious skill of growing food for myself and others as a 'CAREER'. Ubiquitious in the fact that you can do it anywhere, anytime of year, and it is done everywhere around the world.  A heuristic I've learned through my travels and traverses is that food is fuel and health, a lesson drilled into your body with age!

Now here is where some adventure began, if your sense of adventure hasn't been piqued yet! I landed in Northern California farming after an east west trek across the USA searching for a place for me to farm. I left Charleston, SC aside the Atlantic ocean and sought a vaster ocean over yonder, going west, but not so young of a man! I planned to trek via car, tent in tow, and visit our lovely national parks as I made my way west. Hot Springs National Park was my first stop and Cascade National Park was the last, seeing 13 in total in my 4 month trip.

And now a brief sad part to the story: I made my way to Charleston because my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer (rightly not capitalized!), and I wanted to be her caretaker through the latter part of her life not really knowing her in the beginning. And I was a horrible son who had been living overseas, far away from his mother, for almost a decade! After my mother passed, the family tied up odds and ends: had an estate sale, sold the family house, and moved my pops to live with my sister across the street from my adolescent home. I then set out on my journey to find someplace to live and farm, a skill taught to me by my mother, in the USA, a daunting feat for a well-travelled bloke like myself.

You see, I had been living in Frankfurt, Germany teaching at an international school and had just started my second year teaching there. I had started up a horticultural club at the school and had a greenhouse built during the start of my second year, excited to breed some new farmers while they are young but alas life had other plans to send me home!

Frankfurt, Germany, Western Europe, a pretty safe place, and I sought a little safety after experiencing the Arab Spring firsthand in Cairo, Egypt. I had been working for a British international school and eventually left because I did not feel it was the right place for me. Well, it is the Middle East silly. I intially came to Middle East to de-brainwash myself about Islam. I had been in Mumbai in the 2008 Thanksgiving terroist attacks and was targeted as an American by these 10 men who took over Mumbai, a city of 15 million, for 60 hours. Having gone through 9/11 and this attack, I thought moving to the Middle East would be the best way to re-learn about a part of the world so foreign to me and my past. My aspiration at the time was to be the best history teacher one must travel the world and learn about it all, from the source.

So, as an native English speaker educator, one is offered the opportunity to work in most of the 200 countries on the globe and I got an offer in Homs, Syria, and left 4 weeks later for probably the most adventuresome moment of my life so far. In Homs, I worked for a unique international school, founded in Lebanon, which had schools in 17 countries worldwide, including the USA. Oddly enough the school I worked at in Germany was part of this network also.

Okay, now how did I find myself in Mumbai you may ask? I always wanted to try to teach a history course backwards! Mumbai was part of my 6 month Asian diaspora after having worked and saved for 3 years in South Korea. I wanted to take in the world, slowly and thoroughly. I departed South Korea via boat after having taught English at a Korean university for several years and landed myself in China for the 2008 Olympics. An avid futbol fan, I saw my favorites, USA, the Netherlands and Argentina, play and met people from all over the globe. From China to Hong Kong, then Nepal, India, and rounded off with a surfing trip to Indonesia, this was a greatly influential leg of my life, my 4 years in Asia.

South Korea? Maybe you have noticed a theme here: I fancy myself as one who often takes the road less travelled! I left the USA after finding a job listing on craigslist for work and travel abroad, teach english. Fair enough, I had found a gem of a spot to live in the USA-60 miles from the ocean and mountains-Portland, Oregon. I had moved there 3 times and failing to land a full-time teaching job after substitute teaching for almost 2 years, I jettisoned myself to another shore!

The long and short of the beginning part of the story is that I spent some time ski-bumming in Jackson, Wyoming after college at the University of Georgia. The spark that set off the powder keg has to be studying abroad in the Netherlands, having roommates from around the world was like a mini-United Nations. I spent my formative years in Charleston, SC for middle school and high school, elementary school in Ohio and born in Annapolis, Maryland. And that brings you full circle. I've had a VERY fortunate life, and I have sought to use my skills to help others around me.  I am very grateful for the opportunity to Be HerE NoW at Buckhorn Gardens working with other farmers growing fresh, nutritious and delicious food for Western Slopers, thanks!

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Ever wonder where your food REALLY came from? Brings this quote to mind: "Once in your life you need a doctor, preacher, lawyer, and a policeman but three times a day you need a farmer." Buckhorn has been around since 2009 as a community farm using a Community Supported Agriculture system of delivering fresh, chemical free vegetables year round whether at farmers markets, retail locations, restaurants, through our CSA or pick-ups at the farm. We wholeheartedly believe in this model and could not and can not continue without your generous support.

Farm work is a labor intensive endeavor and we can always use a hand here at Buckhorn! And the saying about many hands making light work rings true. Spring is coming and we will be in the fields sowing and tending sun up to sun down.

Volunteers of all ages are welcome and we really enjoy bringing the community to our farm. Be it, high school students looking to do community service, retirees looking to get exercise outdoors, people who don't have a garden of their own to tend, CSA members looking to give back or see where and how their food investment grows, citizens seeking to start a farm of their own, and last but not least your average person who can not afford healthy food-anyone with the ways and means can find a place on our farm! Buckhorn tries to spread its wealth as far and as wide as possible and for those not able to purchase chemical free, fresh veggies but who would like to do a work share, we welcome your labor.

Recently, we have had a deluge of community support on our harvest days: Friday this week (3/11) for the Saturday Montrose Farmers Market and Thursday (3/18) for our CSA harvest. Please send an email to arrange a volunteership or a visit to gardens@buckhornmountain.com. Here are a few pics of the lovely people who have donated their time recently, much obliged.

 Rad(ish) Amy
Chris, crisping the Sassy Salad Mix
 Brenda Joyce, a Rose(amongst)Marys
 Apollo, seeking 11 tatsoi for the Braising Mix
John, joining the Arugula fun


Sunday, January 10, 2016

A Closer Look at Buckhorn’s Braising Mix
Here at Buckhorn, we are committed to giving all of our CSA members nutritionally dense foods all year round. During the winter, one of the most popular items we offer are a variety of salad green mixes. This week, I wanted to take a closer look at Buckhorn’s braising mix, which contains all or any combination of the following greens: broccoli leaves, tatsoi, cabbage, kale, pak choi, Swiss chard, and arugula. Green, leafy vegetables have long been understood to provide a whole array of vitamins and minerals that aid in the proper functioning of the human body. As a human nutrition and foods major, I was curious to see just what these foods actually contain and why our bodies need them! Let’s take a closer look at each of these powerful veggies:
Broccoli leaves – Until a couple weeks ago, I didn’t even know these were edible! I tossed the small leaves into a salad and found they tasted just like the florets (though I’m not really sure what I was expecting?). Broccoli leaves actually contain very high levels of anti-oxidants, Vitamin A and beta-carotene. The leaves have Vitamin C levels several times greater than the florets themselves and even contain some phytonutrients that aren’t found in the florets at all.   
Tatsoi – While this is one of the lesser-known vegetables, tatsoi is one of the largest powerhouse vegetables there is! Weight-for-weight, it contains more vitamin C than oranges and twice as much calcium as milk. In one cup, it provides your recommended daily intake for Vitamin A and C. It has even been recommended for women who are pregnant because of the high amount of folate it contains. 
Cabbage – The cabbage that has found its way into our braising mix is the Mammoth Red Rock variety. Red cabbage has been shown time and time again to be nutritionally superior to most green varieties. One study suggests that the vitamin C content in red cabbage is 6-8 times greater than green cabbage. Vitamin C and other antioxidants prevent free radicals from damaging our cells.
Kale – As a member of the Cruciferae family (which include many other vegetables found in our braising mix) kale contains high levels of fiber, iron, vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin A, and calcium. It’s no wonder why this vegetable has been the focus of many health experts in recent years.
Pak Choi – This Chinese cabbage contains high levels of omega-3s and zinc. Like the other cruciferous vegetables, it contains many cancer-preventative properties, high levels of fiber to slow cholesterol absorption, and high levels of antioxidants.
Swiss chard – Displaying some of the most colorful leaves we’ve seen on the farm, this vegetable contains a unique compound called syringic acid, which inhibits an enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates. This vegetable is often recommended for diabetic patients because the slowed breakdown of carbohydrates helps maintain a more stable blood sugar level. In addition, chard contains high levels of calcium, which promotes bone health.
Arugula – It took me a while to appreciate the peppery taste behind this vegetable, but it is now one of my favorite additions of any salad! Like other green, leafy vegetables, it contains high levels of antioxidants and folic acid. Unlike some other greens, arugula contains low levels of oxalates, which are compounds known to inhibit the absorption of minerals.

At Buckhorn Gardens, our hope is not only to provide our CSA members with fresh vegetables, but to give our members confidence in making healthy food decisions as well. This begins with knowing what is in the food we eat and how it affects our bodies. With Buckhorn Gardens, you can be assured that your vegetables are ‘more-ganically’ grown to boost nutrient-density and encourage healthy, chemical-free food. Even Gizmo can’t keep his paws off our vegetables! ~Catherine