We would love to sign you up for our one of a kind Summer CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program. It looks to be another warm year which bodes well for our short season veggies here. We have some neat, new stuff we are growing and can't wait to bring to your CSA boxes: ginger, sweet potatoes, oca, and summer squash to name a few. CSAs form the bedrock of many small farms like ours these days because they offer another avenue to bring more food to more people. CSAs offer a unique opportunity to become part of and support your local agriculture community, us farmy farmers! Buckhorn not only grows food; we also have a really strong intern program that provides tools to new farmers to further the food revolution in our midst. Hungry? Well here are the details.
May 26-October 27 (22 weeks)
Farm or Telluride/Ridgway/Montrose Farmers' Markets
$440 for medium sized box (feeds 2-3 people)
$660 for a mega sized box (feeds 3-6 people)
$100 Egg shares also available (dozen per week)
To reserve your spot, send an email to gardens@buckhornmountain.com