
Located at the base of Buckhorn Mountain at 6700' elevation, Buckhorn Gardens is a small, organic vegetable farm 13mi. south of Montrose, Colorado. Our farm is an active part of a 12,000 acre ranch; however, we only manage 3 acres with intensive vegetable gardening.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

7-17-17 Simmering on Summer Sun, Cucumbers glisten beneath the sheath of leaf cover, Amongst the tomatoes of all sizes and shapes, Egg shaped plants pervade,  Tastes of a never over summer, Whilst we know winter is coming, Yet fall boasts an unbeknownst bounty for all us Western Slopers, Summer squash screams sacrificially for you to savour, Bubba...

Friday, April 14, 2017

Whose thumb is itching to plant some vegetables? No worries, we have a cure for what ails ya! The crew has been busy whipping the gardens to spring shape. We welcome you all to come visit the gardens Saturday April 29th from 9-5pm. We will be planting onions all day and you are welcome to join us. No tear onion planting here! Gardening Supplies Bags...

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

We would love to sign you up for our one of a kind Summer CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program. It looks to be another warm year which bodes well for our short season veggies here. We have some neat, new stuff we are growing and can't wait to bring to your CSA boxes: ginger, sweet potatoes, oca, and summer squash to name a few. CSAs form...

Monday, March 13, 2017

Last Fall, we welcomed almost 30 students from Telluride Mountain School for their first field trip of the school year. We always enjoy having the youth come to the farm and seeing where there food comes from. They asked some really great questions and sampled some melons at the end of the tour after helping us dig some potatoes. We thank the youth...

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Wow, what a year?!We thought that we would run down all the major highlights of 2016! We could not have done it without your dogged support, thanks. 6 interns 28 weeks of CSA boxes 6 pigs 2 Goats 1 Duck 1 Dog 2 Cats 30 something chickens were purchased Hundreds of pounds of veggies donated to local food banks 4 farmers' markets this year (2 in one...